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Business Intelligence for Capital Markets

Over the past two decades, the Financial Information eXchange (FIX) Protocol has irreversibly changed the face of Capital Markets. FIX is a real-time industry messaging standard for pre-trade and trade communication in the global equity markets that is quickly expanding into post-trade communication as well as: Foreign exchange, fixed income, and derivatives markets. Nearly every major stock exchange and investment bank uses FIX for electronic trading, as do the world's largest mutual funds and money managers and thousands of smaller investment firms.

In short - FIX has become the standard for all phases of the trading process, in every market, for virtually every asset class.As a result, the industry has seen an explosion in the volume of data it manages. Lamentably, organizations have failed to seize the full potential buried deep within these mountains of actionable data to guide fundamental improvements and drive progress.

MetaDash's BI software allows organizations to leverage the information derived from FIX engines by providing a robust platform that is able to access multiple data sources simultaneously, and provide users with analytic tools that encourage the exploration of data in a fast, simple, and intuitive environment. Style Intelligence can even be integrated into existing in-house solutions.

Spotlight on Electronic Transaction Management

A brokerage firm wants to improve the speed and reliability of its web based electronic transaction system. To do so, it must first determine which counterparties encountered the greatest amount of latency and session rejections over the past two years, and the underlying cause in each instance.

The in-house FIX engine chronicles a seemingly endless barrage of details: Orders, executions, rejects, requests, volume, instrument, latency, timestamps, status, sessions, histories, and much more - every time, for hundreds of thousands of transactions on a daily basis.

By using Style Intelligence, the firm is able to drill-down into transactional data and easily create reports and interactive dashboards that reveal trends and correlations in the underlying data. Thus, the firm is able to determine the root cause of the issues they seek to amend, and is able to effectively allocate the appropriate internal resources towards the areas designated for improvement.

Reasons Why Organizations Choose MetaDash

Software Advice BI FrontRunner
G2 Crowd High Performer

"Using Style Scope from MetaDash gave us the ability to provide a graphical representation of the key data to top management right 'out-of-the-box' and move from static tables of numbers to charts and graphics that are much easier to understand."
- Sergio R.


"I spent months looking for the best dashboard/reporting app to suit my business. I literally tried and tested every application out there and I have to say that the Style Intelligence App is by far the best. It is simple to use and it is absolutely brilliant if you are needing dashboards on custom objects." - Jacki A.


Other BI Applications for Capital Markets

  • Alerts and notifications of unusual transactions
  • Sales and marketing demographic analysis
  • Multi-dimensional analysis to identify market trends
  • Automated compliance reporting
  • Network monitoring
Contact Us for More on Capital Market Solutions 

options trading dashboard example